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Painting stories
every painting has a story


"My thoughts flood back to you"

80 x 120 cm

Oil on linen


I wish you could see this painting. Stand there in front of it with no pressure, no place to be, no one calling your name. You are there and time means nothing and your eyes are soft and your gaze is languid and relaxed. And you come in. Come in for a while, spinning in a place of light and water and sun and air.

This place. It is warm. It is musical. It is soft. It loves you.

This painting was inspired by the moment of consciousness in my human body that I feel when I paint. My force flooding back, away from all the outside stuff and noise that mean nothing. To my perfect self.

The title was inspired by a beautiful love song. Painting is always a love story to me. I often listen to love songs as I paint.

An excerpt from "Thoughts flood back to you" by Amble:

Cast that paint out into the rain

Say it's no use anyhow

We are not a tidal wave

More a ripple growing loud

And then I knew

All my thoughts flood back to you

And I knew

All my thoughts flood back to you

On the date of this writing, "My thoughts flood back to you" is available in my Italy Studio.

Improbable, beautiful, and afraid of nothing

120 x 80 cm

Oil on linen


I am free like a dove under the biggest sky.

I am a wild thing, a laughing for no reason and smiling up to the sun little warm animal.

Surviving cancer is a miracle, but it is also hard. It calls upon your truest sense of aliveness. You cannot help but answer.

This painting's title is inspired by a a verse from "Starlings in Winter" by Mary Oliver. Perfectly encapsulating my own human aliveness:

Ah, world, what lessons you prepare for us,

even in the leafless winter,

even in the ashy city.

I am thinking now

of grief, and of getting past it;

I feel my boots

trying to leave the ground,

I feel my heart

pumping hard. I want

to think again of dangerous and noble things.

I want to be light and frolicsome.

I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing,

as though I had wings.

At the time of this writing, "Improbable, beautiful, and afraid of nothing" is available in my Italy Studio.

The Season of Heaven

158 x 100 cm

Oil on linen


A painting dedicated to the wide open expanse of time stretching out before me like a magic carpet.

I battled cancer in 2024. I wept and wept. I believed this world didn’t want me anymore, that all my light meant nothing. I asked over and over for some kind of meaning in what was happening to me. How could it just mean nothing? So much suffering couldn’t really be void of meaning. A tiny hidden part of me believed that I would find it. It would be there in the end. It would reveal itself to me.

And now here I am. On the other side of the darkest season. Somehow here. Like Nike, the winged goddess. And I feel it. It is there. It is heaven. In every little thing. In the cloud and wave and butterfly and sparrow. In my children. In my husband. In my own reflection. It has been revealed to me, the heaven in all things. And I smile. I smile and smile and hear music even when there is none.

And then I made this painting.

This is the Season of Heaven.

At the time of this writing, "Season of Heaven" is available in my Italy Studio.


I live in Colorado for half the year and Brescia, Italy for the other half.

Right now I am in Italy!



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